Lomi Lomi Massage


The word ‘lomi’ in the Hawaiian language means ‘to knead, to rub, or to soothe,’ as well as ‘the sacred shift that is inspired by the healing kahuna’. The word ‘kahuna’ is derived from ‘huna’, meaning ‘secret knowledge’. The word ‘lomi’ is said twice for emphasis.

Lomi lomi massage has many health benefits and can alleviate or cure a wide range of injuries and conditions, as well as the discomforts associated with general health imbalance. The free-flowing strokes that typify lomi lomi massage have many of the same benefits as other types of massage, including traditional Swedish massage.

These include:

Improved circulation
Improved immune response
Increased range of motion and flexibility
The release of blocked energy
Muscle relaxation
Improved posture
Faster healing