Deep Tissue Massage


A deep tissue massage is a massage technique that’s mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying firm pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues

Muscle tensions that are often caused by fatigue due to repetitive movements, lack of use (sedentary jobs/ lives) improper warm up or cool down sessions after exercises are all examples. Tensions in the muscle lead to uneasiness and pain, which decreases the functionality in our daily life. But the good news is, a Deep Tissue Massage helps in relaxing the tensed muscles.

The blood circulation is elevated whenever the activities and sensory system in our body increases. A deep tissue massage involves firm pressure, touch sensation on the skin, stroking and micro stretching of muscles, this helps in increasing the activities and sensation system in our body.

Thus, it improves the local blood circulation that helps in removing the toxins and fasten the healing process in our body.

The muscle tightness occurs when the elasticity of muscle fibres reduces. Muscle overuse, poor posture, and injury cause the tightness to occur. A deep Tissue Massage aims at treating the deeper layers of muscles which helps in increasing the elasticity of the fibres and hence manages the muscle tightness.